Whether you’ve been reading my blog for some time or are just stopping by, I want to take a second to let you know something about me as you read this post. One of the things I’m passionate about doing is helping people make upgrades to their lives to include more nourishing foods. The products I’m promoting in this post are being done purely because I think they’re super cool and make it easier to pack and eat healthy food, not because I am being paid by someone to promote them. I’m all about transparency!

LunchSkins are the perfect way to transport snacks, like my homemade donut holes
I think everyone knows that we need to start using things like plastic free snack containers and stop using plastic products in order to do our bit to save the world. If we continue the way we are, there won’t be any resources left for us to use and nature will be in crisis. This is why when I first learned about these LunchSkins when I was at the Natural Products Expo East in Baltimore this fall I was SO excited. As a blogger, I had the opportunity to take part in an amazing event that showcased thousands of products, foods, supplements and other items in the natural foods industry and community.
It was like adult trick-or-treating…only healthier! I had SO MUCH FUN.
As my dad would say, I was as happy as a pig in slop 🙂
I learned about lots of new products while I was there – some that I never knew existed and others I had tried before but didn’t know much about.
The coolest part was meeting the people behind the brands – Brad from Brad’s Raw Kale Chips, Mamma Chia herself, the Nibmor girls (a fellow health coach!), and Brendan Brazier, a triathlete who wrote the book Thrive and is the face of Vega protein supplements.
One of the companies I learned about at the expo was 3GreenMoms. They’ve created a product called LunchSkins that basically gets rid of the need to use plastic baggies. They were inspired to create their products when they learned this staggering statistic:
Every day, more than 20 million sandwich bags from school lunches go into landfills in the U.S.
This concern is very similar to that which started the move away from plastic straws and towards sustainable solutions like these metal boba straws.
Their mission was to create a solution to that problem and to do so in a way that was “fresh” and “colorful.” Their bags are lined with European pastry bag material, which makes them eco-friendly, food-safe and dishwasher safe. They come in lots of cool colors and designs and even have a place to write your name, too 🙂
I’m an advocate of living in a way that is as health-supportive as possible, and until recently, the impact my choices were having on the health of the environment wasn’t something I thought or cared about…at all.
I’ve used and tossed thousands of plastic baggies without thinking twice about it.
Over the past six months, Bill and I have switched from plastic containers to all glass or ceramic (Pyrex, mason jars, Corningware) and are in the process of making upgrades to other household products to make them safer (To learn more about why we did this, click here).
Our latest upgrade has been using LunchSkins instead of plastic baggies. Bill uses them to take his lunch and snacks to school, and I use them in my lunchbag at work or when I’m on the road traveling to meetings. Not only are we saving money by not buying plastic baggies, but we don’t have to deal with that nasty plastic bag taste that has a way of seeping into whatever food is stored in the baggie. I’m thinking of carrying on in a similar vein of doing our bit for the environment by purchasing foldable reusable shopping bags to save on the use of plastics when I’m out doing the food shopping for the week. They’re 100% natural, nontoxic and machine washable so I’m running out of reasons not to get one!
When I first learned about LunchSkins in September, I was trying to figure out the best time to share this information with you and thought the holiday season would be a great time to do it.
3GreenMoms make sandwich, snack, and sub bags as well as lunch bags and bibs. I just saw on their website that they have “wet and sweat” bags, which can be used at the gym or pool or for a baby and are meant to replace larger plastic bags.
Any of these would make a great stocking stuffer or holiday gift, especially for someone who has kids, brings lunch to work or likes to pack snacks! I plan to get some for some of the mamas in my life 🙂
Here’s the link to their website to check out their products. You can also buy LunchSkins on Amazon, and I even found some at a local store called Stebbins-Anderson and at Whole Foods.

LunchSkins are the perfect way to transport snacks, like my homemade donut holes
Oh, and by the way, here’s the recipe for these delicious donut holes. I just posted version 2 (Orange Cranberry Breakfast Bites) the other day, and they are also delicious! Both recipes are paleo, gluten-free and vegan and are amaaaazing 🙂