I can’t believe it! It’s been exactly one year since I started this blog. 140 posts later, that means…
When I clicked “Publish” for the first time on January 14, 2014, I had no expectations of how Rachel’s Nourishing Kitchen would develop or grow. Here’s how it began:
I’ve started this blog to share what I’ve learned. I love sharing how eating (and cooking!) wholesome, nourishing, real food can be affordable, fun, and doable. We can look and feel better and be healthier by making some simple changes.
I take a holistic approach and consider how everything we do is connected, so most of the posts on here will be about food – new recipes we’ve tried, staples in our pantry, kitchen gadgets we love, books and movies that are inspiring us, and helpful tips, tricks and knowledge we’ve learned along the way.
Other posts will be about life beyond food, about lessons I’ve been privileged to learn that have shaped the way I see the world and experience life. I will be honest and vulnerable.
I jumped in without much of a plan and very little knowledge about how to do this blogging thing. (It took me two hours to figure out how to get the little Pinterest icon to show up on the side bar!)
I knew that I liked to write and had a desire and passion to share what I’ve learned along my health and food journey.
I’ve personally experienced the benefits of upgrading my diet (adding in the good stuff!) to nourish my body and transform my life.
I’ve remained open to listening to my body and what it is trying to tell me about how to help it be well and optimize my health. I don’t just want to “get through” my days – I want to thrive through them.
And from what I’ve learned and lived, I can say with confidence that what we eat affects us, our health, our energy, our mood, and our ability to fight off disease and illness.
One of my goals has been to be a consistent, positive voice about eating wholesome food – to be someone who provides hope that it is possible and inspiration to keep going.
I appreciate the kind words and comments so many of you have given me over the past year – from taking the time to leave feedback about a recipe or post or simply sharing one with your friends or family.

My friend Lindsay sharing a fun, smiling picture on Facebook along with this kind comment! “Yummy Caribbean Island breeze smoothie for breakfast. Thank you Rachel Druckenmiller for the recipe! We loved it! I highly recommend.”
Tahini, hemp seeds, nutritional yeast, and Medjool dates might not have been at the top of your grocery list at the beginning of this year, but chances are you’ve at least attempted to find one of them or have even used one in a recipe.
We build confidence as we give ourselves permission to try new things, including food. Maybe we won’t like it…but what if we do?
And this is coming from a formerly picky eater – someone who would have never tried something like kale, collard greens, or curry powder.
As we look back on the past year, here are the top 10 blog posts based on the number of views from you, my readers. I’ve also included a brief poll below, so you can give me YOUR feedback about what you’d like to see more of in 2015.
- How I Lost 20+ Pounds, Got Back to My High School Weight & Kept It Off
- Eat Your GBOMBS (Anti-Cancer Eating Tips!)
- Top 10 Places for a Healthy Lunch in Baltimore & Beyond!
- Chocolate Peanut Butter Bliss Balls
- My Energizing Morning Detox Drink (AKA Fire Cider)
- MYO Chipotle Style Bean Burrito Bowl in 7 Minutes or Less!
- How to Stock a Healthy Pantry: My Top 10 Everyday Essentials
- Comfort Food Classic Makeover…Creamy Caulifredo Sauce
- Taste the Rainbow Super Food Kale Salad
- 6 Keys to An Amazing Marriage: How We Nourish Ours
As year #2 of blogging begins, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your support, encouragement, and kindness and to give you some exciting updates for 2015!
- The blog is getting a facelift! I’m working with a web designer to help me “brand” Rachel’s Nourishing Kitchen! From designing a logo and picking my colors to creating a more user friendly interface (like including Print Recipe buttons!), we will be working together to completely revamp the look and feel of the blog, so it really reflects me and my mission. You’ll see the new and improved look in March, but the blog will still be up and updated with new posts in the meantime.
- I’m serving as a guest speaker at a Women’s Retreat in Gettysburg in February 2015 and will be speaking about Eating for Energy, Beauty & Optimal Health. I can’t wait!
- I will be hosting/teaching more cooking classes and cooking parties covering a variety of themes – all featuring deliciously dairy-free and gluten-free foods that everyone will love! Sign-ups will be available directly on the blog. Let me know if you’re interested in doing a cooking class with your friends!
- I will continue sharing gluten-free, dairy-free real food recipes and give you tips and tricks for upgrading your diet so you can nourish your body.
- I will be doing giveaways and contests of some of my favorite foods, so you can learn more about them and try them yourself. I’ll promote ONLY what I use personally, so don’t worry about this turning into an ad.
I’d love your feedback on what you’d like to see more of in 2015! I already have ideas up my sleeve but please take a second or two to fill out the little survey below. Thank you again for your support!
Thank you again! Here’s to a healthy and happy new year!