My dad is allergic to seafood, so we never had it in the house or ate it much when I was growing up.
Since I was born and raised in Baltimore, a city known for its steamed crabs and crabcakes, the fact that I didn’t like or eat seafood of any kind was a little strange.
It wasn’t until my freshman year of college that I tried fish for the first time.
Spending a semester abroad in Spain as a junior was what really opened me up to trying and (much to my surprise) LIKING so many different kinds of food, especially seafood. I’ve enjoyed it ever since!

Enjoying one of many meals in Granada, Spain in 2004!
Wild caught salmon and sea scallops are my absolute favorites.
There’s something about a perfectly cooked, silky scallop melting in your mouth that is unlike any other food experience.
I’ve become a big fan of culinary translator and food-as-medicine guru, Rebecca Katz, lately and have been trying lots of her recipes. I admire and appreciate all of the work she’s been doing to “spread the YUM” and bring excitement, flavor and nourishment to the plate.
When I saw that one of her recipes included my #1 flavor blend (curry powder) and my favorite seafood (scallops) and I saw how simple the ingredient list was, I knew we had to try it!
We had it for dinner a few weeks ago and l-o-v-e-d it
(Oh, and we enjoyed it SO much that I forgot to take a picture, so don’t mind the pic below of another sea scallop dish we’ve made! I’ll update the image the next time we make it.)
Servings: 4
12 dry-packed sea scallops
Sea salt
1 teaspoon curry powder
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, ghee or coconut oil
2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger
1 cup coconut milk
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lime juice
1 teaspoon snipped fresh chives, or 1 minced scallion, for garnish
*Click here for the full recipe and directions from the cancer-fighting kitchen expert, Rebecca Katz!*