Category: Nourish

Quick & Easy Mexican Black Bean Scramble {Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free}

“What shouldĀ I eat for breakfast??”

I hear this question a lot andĀ have an answer for you šŸ™‚

When we crowdĀ out things like bagels, bread, milk, and processed and sugary cereals and granola bars, it can feel like weā€™re not left with many options aside from smoothies (which are my personal go-to!).

Iā€™m here today with some good news and a brand spankinā€™ new breakfast recipe that I think you will LOVE!Mexican Black Bean Scramble

When I was writing last weekā€™s post about my favorite upgraded Mexican-inspired dishes for Cinco de Mayo, I was inspired to blend some of those ingredients together for a filling, satisfying and energizing breakfast dish.

As Iā€™ve shared before, the key to all-day energy is to combine Protein + Fiber + Healthy Fats in our meals to keep our blood sugar stabilized. This is important because it helps us prevent blood sugar peaks and crashes, which lead to cravings and trouble controlling our weight.

Most of us, especially women, donā€™t eat nearly enough protein at breakfast (weā€™re not going to find it in a Nutrigrain bar or a bagel with cream cheese), so we end up feeling unsatisfied and with cravings later in the day. Eating adequate protein at breakfast is one way to combat that.

I love this dish because it combines protein (beans, eggs), fiber (beans, avocado), and healthy fats (eggs, avocado)ā€¦and it tastes AMAZING!Ā My husband Bill liked it so much that he had it for dinner last night and breakfast this morning.

One ingredient in this recipe that I want to focus on is the beauty-boosting, health-promotingĀ avocado.

I didnā€™t even TRY an avocado until I was 25.

As a picky eater, I had deemed avocadosĀ a ā€œweirdā€ and ā€œgrossā€ food, never having actually tried them. It’s so much easier to writeĀ off certain foods thanĀ give them a chance and run the risk of not liking them.


When I finally did, I was hooked! According to nutritionist Kimberly Snyder, here are just SOME of the many benefits we can get from eating avocados:

  • One of the TOP anti-aging, beauty foods, especially for supple skin
  • Powerful anti-aging effects on skin and joints
  • Rich in skin-smoothing vitamins ā€“ A, C, E, and K
  • Contain glutamine ā€“ an amino acid that helps protect our skin and curb cravings
  • Source of glutathione, a liver-loving, anti-aging antioxidant
  • Excellent source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat and fiber

If you want to geek out a little more, check out the top 12 benefits of avocados from Authority Nutrition.

Iā€™m going to dedicate a future post to why we NEED fat, but in the meantime, the bottom line is this: Stop fearing fat.Ā Healthy fats are not making us fat. In fact, most of us don’t eat enough of them.

Refined and processed sugars and flours are the key offenders driving our weight gain and health issues. When we started making everything lite, low-fat, and fat-free, we started gaining weight.

Eat fat for beauty, health, and happiness šŸ™‚ ItĀ makes food taste awesome, keeps us feeling full and satisfied, protects us, and helps us look our best!

Mexican Black Bean Scramble

Huevos Rancheros Upgrade {Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free}Mexican Black Bean Scramble

Serves 2 (cut recipe in half for a single serving)


1 tablespoon coconut oil, divided (youā€™ll use half at the beginning and the other half later)
Ā½ cup yellow onion, diced
Ā½ teaspoon cumin powder
1 cup black beans (drained and rinsed. We use Eden Organics)
4 eggs (from pastured, cage-free chickens. We buy ours from Hometown Harvest)
Ā¼ cup salsa of choice (we like Drew’s)
Ā½ avocado
A few sprigs of cilantro
Sea salt and black pepper, to taste


  1. Add half a tablespoon of coconut oil to a medium skillet set to medium high heat.
  2. Add onion, cumin and a pinch of sea salt and black pepper, and sautƩ for 3-4 minutes, until onion is translucent but not brown. Add black beans and toss to combine. At this point, you can either set the bean/onion mix aside in a bowl, scramble the eggs in the same pan and then add the beans back in (pics above) OR just move to step 3.
  3. Add remaining oil to skillet with beans. Whisk eggs together in a bowl and pour them into the skillet. Add another pinch or two of salt and pepper to taste and scramble eggs with beans to your desired texture and consistency.
  4. Once eggs are cooked to your liking, put them onĀ a plate and top with salsa, sliced avocado and cilantro. ENJOY!

Addictive Cinna Mocha Fudge Bites {Paleo, Vegan}

I’ve made this recipe four times in the past two weeks, so consider yourself warned šŸ™‚

These little treats are incredibly addictive.

mocha bites 2

If you’re looking for a sweet treat chocolate fix, you have to make these!

You’ll feel like you’re biting into a rich, decadent piece of dark chocolate fudge,Ā so it might only take one of these little guys to satisfy your craving. You can whip them up inĀ less than 10 minutes, too. They are very easy to make!

In addition to being loaded with anti-inflammatory walnuts, antioxidant-packed cacao powder, and blood-sugar stabilizing cinnamon, the secret “mocha” ingredient is detoxifyingĀ Dandy Blend.

I dedicated a full post to Dandy Blend earlierĀ this week, so check out that post here to learn more and order samples to try for yourself!

dandy blend

I was inspired to make this recipe after I had been experimenting with other chocolatey treat recipes (including these Chewy Cherry Chocolate Brownie Bites!).

I remembered seeing fudge and brownie recipes that includedĀ coffee, so I thought I’d give it a shot.

Adding a slight coffee taste (this is coming from someone who doesn’t like coffee!) to a chocolate recipe takes the flavor to a whole new level! I know you will love these as much as we do šŸ™‚

mocha bites banner mocha bite

Yield: 16-18 bites


2Ā cups raw walnuts
1/2 teaspoon fine grain sea salt
1 cup Medjool dates, pitted (about 10-12)
1 heaping tablespoonĀ Dandy Blend
1/2 cup raw cacao powder
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon


  1. Add walnuts and salt to food processor and processĀ until finely ground, about 30 seconds.
  2. Add dates, Dandy Blend, cacao powder, coconut oil, vanilla and cinnamon to food processor. ProcessĀ until combined – about 60 seconds.
  3. Transfer the mixture to a bowl. Using your hands, form into small round balls, rolling them in your palm. Sprinkle with additional cacao powder, if you’d like.

**Store in a glass container in the fridge (or freezer) for up to twoĀ weeks – if they last that long! They will start to melt at room temperature because of the coconut oil, so keep them cool šŸ™‚

What are your favorite healthy sweet treats? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

Comforting Curried Lentil & Rice Casserole {Gluten-Free, Vegan}

Mashed potatoes. Ice cream. Pizza. Mac & cheese.

We tend toĀ craveĀ these foods. They comfort us. We have really greatĀ memories of them from a young age.

Broccoli. Brussels sprouts.Ā Carrots.Ā Spinach. Butternut squash. Collard greens.Ā 

Not exactly the same effect, right?

Many of us grewĀ up thinking that only the foods in the first group can taste goodĀ and make us feel good.

What if the same foods that “comforted” us also nourished us?Ā It’s possible!


Our body has an amazing ability to adapt our taste buds and preferences, even for those of us who considerĀ ourselves picky eaters.

Trust me. I get it. For most of my life, I was one of the pickiest eaters you would ever meet! I was loyal to my eggĀ noodles, parmesan cheese, chicken fingers, and broccoli. Sauces / soups / salads / seafood / sandwiches / dips / dressing / ethnic food?…no thanks!

I didn’t eat any of it.

Now, Bill and I eat lots of foods that not only make us feel good but also nourish our bodies.

I’m excited to share one of my NEW favorite, Indian-inspired recipes with you! I just made it for the first time lastĀ week, and Bill and I loved it. It’sĀ one of the tastiest, most warming and wonderful meals we’ve ever made. We had it for a week and never got sick of it. You have to try it!

Keep in mind…

  • You will do very little cooking.Ā The only thing you actually take time to cook in this recipe are the onions (mixed with spices).
  • The rest of the meal is “set it and forget it.” Once you’ve cooked the onions, you pretty much dump them and all of the other uncooked ingredients into a casserole dish and leave it alone in your oven until it’s finished cooking. It’s almost impossible to mess this one up!
  • This recipe makes A LOT of food. Perfect if you’re having lotsĀ of friends over for dinner or want a meal you can cook once and eat about 4-5 times. I cooked it in a deepĀ lasagna pan.
  • Don’t be intimidated by longer ingredient lists. Just because an ingredient list looks longer than you’re used to doesn’t mean it’s more difficult to make. A lot of the time, our ingredient lists may appearĀ longer because half of theĀ ingredients are herbs and spices. Fortunately, they don’t make the recipe take any longer to prepare but do add tons of flavor! Just make a list and pick them up on your next shopping trip.

casserole bannerIngredients

a few tablespoons extra virgin olive oil OR coconut oil (we used coconut oil)
1 medium onion, chopped
1 to 2 tablespoons fresh ginger root, peeled and finely chopped
1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh turmeric, or 1 teaspoon dried
2 teaspoons curry powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
2 teaspoons sea salt
4 carrots, chopped
1 1/2 cups french lentilsĀ or green lentils
1 cup long grain brown rice
5 cups water
1 can coconut milk (full fat)

Click here for the full recipe from Nourishing Meals!

Chocolate-Covered Cherry Smoothie {Dairy-Free, Paleo, Vegan}


Seriously, it’s so good! It tastes like a decadent dessert, but you can have it for breakfast.

I couldn’t decide whether to call it a smoothie or a milkshake, so I opted for “smoothie shake.” šŸ™‚

IĀ was inspired to make this recipe after making a cherry chocolate pudding and thought I would try to make a drinkableĀ version. It’s one of the tastiest things I’ve made and is now Bill’s “go to” smoothie in the morning.

What I like the most about smoothies (or, in this case, milkshakes!) is how easily you can pack lots of energy, immune and beauty-boosting nutrients into ONE glass.

This one isĀ loaded with anti-inflammatory and beautifying foods like hemp seeds, cacao powder, avocado and spinach.

But cherries are the star. They’re a fruit that we’re all familiar with but don’t hear too much about healthwise. Check out all of the health-boosting benefits of cherries below.


Why I love cherries:

Check out this linkĀ from Dr. Mercola or this one from Dr. Joel Fuhrman to learn about even moreĀ of the health benefits of these power-packed fruits šŸ™‚

Not only is thisĀ smoothie shake fueling andĀ nourishing, it’s alsoĀ rich, creamy, chocolatey and silky smooth. You have to try it!

choco cherry 1Cherrychocshake1


  • 2 cups baby spinach, loosely packed (this has the LEAST flavor of any greens)
  • 1 Medjool date, pit removed
  • 1/4 avocado
  • 2 tablespoons hemp seedsĀ (my go to protein source for smoothies!)
  • 1 tablespoonĀ raw cacao powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon almond extract (optional but amazing)
  • 3/4 cup frozen cherries (BJs Wholesale club now sells bags of organic frozen cherries)
  • 1 – 1 1/2 cups unsweetenedĀ almond milkĀ (check out my video for how to make your own)
  • Pinch fine grain sea salt
  • Optional: sprinkle some cacao nibs on top for a chocolatey crunch!


Put all ingredients in a blender in the order listed above and blend for about a minute or until smooth and creamy.

**If you don’t have a high-speed blender like a Vitamix, Blendtec or Ninja, blend the liquid and spinach FIRST and then add the other ingredients šŸ™‚

No-Bake Orange Cranberry Breakfast Bites {Paleo, Vegan, Gluten-Free}

I was inspired to make these when I was making a batch ofĀ healthy donut holes for a presentation lastĀ week.

Mmm delicious!

Mmm delicious!

I had some dried cranberries left over from another recipe for a grain-freeĀ apple tart that I made recently, and I had one or two oranges in my fridge.

Oranges and cranberries go well together, especially with a hint of ginger, so I did a little experimenting and ended up with these little hunks of yumminess!

orange slices

bitten bite

These areĀ a quick and easy option for a grab-and-go breakfast, pre or post workout snack, afternoon snack, or even dessert, just like last week’s Paleo Pecan Pie Poppers!

These could also be called “Energy Bites” because of the combination of healthy fats and protein from the nuts and almond butter, fiber from the dates, and blood-sugar stabilizing cinnamon. The orange zest is also energizing and adds a little something special.

They are SO GOOD! There’s just enough orange flavor from the zest, and it pairs nicely with the tartness from the cranberries and mild bite from the ginger.

These little treatsĀ are addictive.Ā You’ve been warned šŸ™‚

OJ bites

bites cluster

Yield: 16-18 Bites


  • 1/2 cup raw almonds
  • 1/2 cup raw walnuts
  • 1 cup Medjool dates, pitted
  • 1/4 cupĀ dried cranberries (Try to use cranberries sweetened with apple juiceĀ instead of sugar)
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1Ā teaspoon orange zest (Use a microplane or other fine grater to grate the skin of the orange…AKA the “zest”) OR 3 drops therapeutic grade Wild Orange essential oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/4 cup raw almond butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Optional: shredded, unsweetened coconut


  1. In the food processor fitted with the ā€œsā€ blade, grind the almonds and walnuts until finely ground.
  2. Add the dates, cranberries, spices, orange zest and salt and grind until blended.
  3. Add the almond butter and vanilla extract and process again until completely mixed.
  4. Form into balls about 1 inch in diameter, and, if you like coconut, roll in shredded coconut.

Paleo Pecan Pie Poppers {Vegan, Gluten-Free}

Today’s post is brought to you by the letter “P.” šŸ™‚

This recipe is great as a fuelingĀ pre or post workout snack or as a quick energy boost when you hit a morning or afternoon slump.

The SECRETĀ to all-day energy is eating foods that contain a combo of healthy fats + protein + fiber, and these pecan pie poppers have all three!


They also make a yummyĀ dessert.

Caramel-ly, chewy dates + smooth and subtly salty almond butter + crunchy pecan =Ā deeeelicious!

These poppers areĀ super simple to make and require no cooking or fancy equipment. Just a knife, a bowl, and a spoon.

I made these at my inflammation-busting, energy-boosting cooking class last week, and everyone raved about them! One of my friends liked them so much that we packed extras for her to take to work as snacks.

Keep these on hand for a sweet, crunchy, and energizing on the go snack or sweet treat!

poppers date Collage


  • 12 Medjool dates
  • Ā¼ cup almond butter
  • Ā½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • Ā½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon 100% pure maple syrup (optional – adds a touch more sweetness & moisture if your almond butter is on the dry side)
  • pinch fine grain sea salt
  • 12 pecans


  1. Slice down the middle of each date on one side and remove pit.
  2. Stir almond butter, cinnamon, vanilla extract, maple syrup and sea salt together in a bowl.
  3. Using a spoon or knife, stuff each date with approximately 1 teaspoon of almondĀ butter.
  4. Stuff 1 pecan into almond butter mixture in each date as shown in the picture above.

Then…stuff the whole thing in your face šŸ™‚ Enjoy!

Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes: Gluten Free, Dairy-Free, Paleo

Happy Thanksgiving, friends! It’s my favorite food holiday and a wonderful time to reflect on what matters most and what we value and appreciate.

IĀ have a lot to be thankful for, including all of YOU who have been SO supportive of me and my continued work on this blogging adventure.

I am SUPERĀ excitedĀ to spend most of the dayĀ in the kitchenĀ Thursday preparing yummy and nourishing food for my family. I love them and want them to be well!


I love how colorful the Thanksgiving plate can be, how amazing our house smells as everything is cooking and all of the flavors are coming together, and taking the time to reflect on what matters most to me.

Here areĀ a few of the recipes I’ve shared on the blog before (and some I haven’t!) that would be perfect for your Thanksgiving dinner šŸ™‚ Just as a little reminder, all of these recipes are dairy-free and gluten-free, so just about anyone can enjoy them!

Thanksgiving Recipes

  1. Roasted Butternut Squash with Kale and Almond Parmesan
  2. Maple Roasted Brussels Sprouts
  3. Butternut Squash and Quinoa Harvest Salad
  4. Taste the Rainbow Kale Salad
  5. Pecan-Crusted Sweet Potato Casserole
  6. Paleo Pumpkin Cheesecake Squares
  7. Maple-Glazed Delicata Squash
  8. The Ultimate Gluten-Free Bread Stuffing {Paleo}
  9. Cran-Apple Quinoa Salad
  10. Paleo Pumpkin Muffins & Bread
  11. Shredded Brussels Sprouts Salad with Walnuts
  12. Stuffed Sweet Potatoes
  13. Green Beans Almondine
  14. Roasted Garlic Cauliflower Mash
  15. Brussels Sprouts with Shallots, Cranberries & Pecans
  16. Protein-Packed Pumpkin Spice Dip
  17. Melt In Your Mouth Apple Crisp
  18. How to Make Your Own Pumpkin Puree

Shredded Brussels Sprouts Salad with Walnuts

People often ask where I look for recipes when I’m trying to come up with ideas. Here are a few of the blogs I will be getting inspirations from this Thanksgiving. Check out the recipes andĀ let me know if you end up trying out any of them!

Healthy & Gluten-Free Recipes from The Detoxinista

I love so many of her recipes and try out at least one of them every couple of weeks. I’m excited to try out her Clean Green Bean CasseroleĀ (cut back on the sodium – it’s a LOT!),Ā No-Bake Pumpkin Pie Tarts, and Grain-Free Stuffing, but she highlights a full list of 10 of her favorites here, so be sure to check itĀ out!

Grain-Free Thanksgiving from Against All Grain

I made a recipe for a dense, moist (everyone’s favorite word, right??) pumpkin bread that I sawĀ blogger and author, Danielle Walker,Ā post on Facebook and brought it to my church for our annualĀ Thanksgiving dinner tonight. SO worth it!

Not only that, but DanielleĀ is offering a completely grain-free Thanksgiving recipe ebook for sale on her websiteĀ for less than $5! ManyĀ people who have digestive challenges feel better when they at least temporarily eliminate grains from their diet.

Against All Grain's Pumpkin Bread (Nut-Free, Grain-Free & Dairy-Free!)

Against All Grain’s Pumpkin Bread (Nut-Free, Grain-Free & Dairy-Free!)

Nourishing Meals by Tom Malterre

What caught my eye was this mouth-watering picture of an Apple Cider & Herb Brined Turkey. This Wild Rice Stuffing recipe with apples, cranberries, and sage looks (and sound tasty), too, so I may try it!

I also happen to think the two Nourishing Meals cookbooks are FANTASTIC,Ā and I highly recommend them.

Our Paleo Thanksgiving by realfoodwithdana

I’ve been following Dana’s work on Instagram for the past few years and have gotten to meet her in person at the Natural Products Expo East several times. She focuses on paleo recipes (no beans, grains, dairy, refined sugar or processed foods), and she is fun and funny, too. If you’re not already following her on instagram, you can do that here.

In this post, she shares over 50 paleo-friendly, mouthwatering Thanksgiving recipes that you will definitely want to check out to upgrade your menu.

Nomtastic Thanksgiving Recipesfrom nomnompaleo

I love the playful vibe of this blog and appreciate how simple and fun their approach is. TheirĀ Roasted Garlic Autumn Root Vegetable Mash, Brussels Sprouts Chips (um, yes, please!!)Ā and Cran-Cherry SauceĀ are all on my list of menu possibilities.

Vegan Thanksgiving Recipes from oh she glows

Angela posts amazing recipes (and beautiful photos). I made my own version of a sweet potato casserole tonight but think this one looks pretty awesome, too!Ā This Gooey Pumpkin Spice Latte Chocolate Pudding Cake sounds as incredible as the pictures look and may be worth trying.

And now for a little gravy on top…

For whatever reason, I’ve never been a fan of gravy, but I know it’s most people’s favorite thing about the meal, so here is a recipe for a gluten-free gravy and another for a vegan mushroom gravy recipe to check out! Both have good reviews. Bon Appetit also wrote a simple post about how to make gluten-free gravy, and you can check it out here.

What’s YOUR favorite Thanksgiving dish? Feel free to leave a comment below šŸ™‚

Better-Than-Takeout Chicken "Fried" Rice {Gluten-Free}

Every now and then we stumble upon a recipe that becomes a staple in our house, and this stir fry is one of those recipes!



Whenever we’re in a pinch and don’t have anything else to make, we make this healthier version of a take-out favorite – chicken “fried” rice.

A few things are different about this version from the original, but it’s still FULL of flavor!

  • Brown rice vs.Ā white rice (which has been stripped of all the good-for-you nutrients and fiber)
  • LOTS of veggies (You can use any variety you want, but our staples are carrots, onion, celery and garlic. Snow peas, broccoli, peppers, and green peas would work really well, too!)
  • Sauteed on the stove in a wok vs. fried
  • Tamari vs.Ā soy sauce (Tamari is wheat-free soy sauce – make sure the label reads “gluten free” to be 100% sure. It has a milder yet richer taste than regular soy sauce.)
  • No MSG (monosodium glutamate)! A lot of Chinese restaurantsĀ useĀ this additive as a “flavor enhancer” but it’s really harmful to our health. Read more about MSGĀ and why we’re better off avoiding it here.

The best part is that you can use whatever protein you want – from chicken and fish to tempeh – depending on your preference. Feel free to add in whateverĀ veggies you like best – the more the merrier šŸ™‚

I love dishes that give me lots of options to use a variety of vegetables, and this one is no exception. Try it for yourself!

Better-Than-Takeout Chicken “Fried” Rice


Better-than-Takeout Chicken Fried Rice

This delicious recipe is a quick and easy go to meal. You can use whatever vegetables you have on hand, too, so let your creativity run wild!

  • 1 chicken breast (diced and cooked)
  • 2 tablepoons coconut oil or avocado oil
  • 2 eggs beaten (try for free-range and pastured)
  • 2 scallions (roughly chopped)
  • 2 cloves garlic (peeled and minced)
  • 1 cup carrots (diced)
  • 1 cup celery (diced)
  • 1.5 cups onion (diced)
  • 2 cups brown rice (cooked)
  • 2 tablespoons tamari or coconut aminos (tamari is wheat-free soy sauce; find it in the Asian or health food section of the store)
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil
  • salt & pepper (to taste)
  • sesame seeds (sprinkle on top)
  • 1 teaspoon ginger root (peeled and minced (optional but delicious!))
  1. In a large skillet or wok, heat 1 tablespoon of oil over medium/high heat.

  2. Add garlic and ginger and stir for 30 seconds, then add eggs and scallions. Cook, breaking up the eggs with a spoon until they are lightly browned and combined with the scallions.

  3. Stir in the rest of the vegetables and saute for 5 minutes. Add the brown rice and chicken, and stir to combine.

  4. In a small bowl, whisk the tamari and sesame oil with 2 tablespoons of water, and pour over the rice mixture. Turn heat up to high. Continue cooking, stirring frequently, until the rice has absorbed all the liquid, about 2-3 minutes.

  5. Season with the salt and pepper, and, if you prefer, additional tamari or sesame oil. Top with lightly toasted sesame seeds.


We cooked the diced chicken in 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in a skillet over medium high heat for 12-15 minutes. Internal temperature of the chicken should read 165F with a meat thermometer.

While it’s best to cook brown rice from scratch on the stove and avoid the microwave, an easy shortcut is to use the microwaveable bags of plain brown rice from the grocery store or Target.

Tamari is a wheat-free soy sauce found in the Asian or gluten-free section of the grocery store.


Pumpkin Pie Overnight Oats: Easy & Healthy Breakfast To Go! {GF, DF}

It’s almost fall…and you know what that means…



I love just about anything made with pumpkin.

From my favorite creamy, “I can’t believe this is good for me”Ā pumpkin pie smoothie shakeĀ that literally tastes like pumpkin pie in a glass to pumpkin pie, pumpkin tea, pumpkin muffins and a whole slew ofĀ pumpkin recipes I plan to try this fall…pumpkin rocks!


It’s gotten some not so positive press this year due to the FoodBabe’s investigation of the ingredients in Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice LatteĀ (but if those are your thing, at least there are healthier recipes out there for how to make them yourself!).

Because I like to focus on the positives when it comes to our health and what we eat, here are just a few reasons pumpkin is so good for us and we should eat more of it!

  • Loaded with the antioxidant beta carotene, which the body converts to Vitamin A forĀ healthy, glowing skin, strong vision, and to boost our immune system.
  • Contains anti-inflammatory compounds that reduce the risk of developing diseases like heart disease and arthritis.
  • Great source of potassium, anĀ essential mineral we need to keep our hearts and muscles working at their optimal levels.

A few weeks ago, I made some “berry” quick overnight oats, and due to all of the positive feedback you shared, I wanted to try round 2 and make pumpkin-based overnight oats.

If you like the flavor of pumpkin and all of the wonderful, warming spices of fall, then you have to try this recipe šŸ™‚ The longer I let it sit in the fridge, the more the flavors melded together. Seriously guys, this stuff is deeelish!

This will keepĀ in the fridge for 3-4 days, so you can make up a few ahead of time and enjoyĀ them throughout the week!



Pumpkin Pie Overnight Oats


  • 1/3 cup cannedĀ pureedĀ pumpkin, NOT pumpkin pie fillingĀ (I use this kind)
  • 2Ā teaspoons chia seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoonĀ pumpkin pie spice (or 1/4 tsp cinnamon, 1/8th tsp nutmeg, 1/8th tsp ginger, pinch clove)
  • Pinch fine grain sea salt
  • 1 tablespoonĀ pure maple syrup, divided
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/3 cup rolled oats, gluten-free
  • 1/2Ā cup almond milk, unsweetened
  • Optional toppings: chopped walnuts, almond butter, raisins, unsweetened shredded coconut


  1. In a pint-size (16 oz.) mason jar, combine pumpkin puree, chia seeds, spices, 1/2 tablespoon of maple syrup and vanilla extract and whisk until evenly combined.
  2. Add oats and almond milk and stir with the whisk or spoon for about 30 seconds, so it combines evenly.
  3. Cover with a lid and leave in fridge overnight or for at least 1 hour. Add remaining 1/2 tablespoon maple syrup and any additional toppings or mix-ins. A tablespoon of almond butter makes it even creamier!

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